english   french


Yep, that's me. The bowler hat-wearing San Franciscan who created and designed this website. Before I made this website, I had wondered what the difference was between a bowler hat, and a derby hat. Now I know that there is no difference. Thus the site's name, BowlerDerby. Interestingly enough, it sounds a lot like rollerderby, although I don't rollerskate (I used to rollerblade though).

It's basically a showcase of various portfolio items of mine. My photos, video, and websites. Go ahead, check them out.

This site was created using Bare Bones' BBedit, Macromedia Fireworks, and Adobe Photoshop (with probably some additional programs along the way). It was hand-coded in XHTML with CSS, and is fully standards compliant (but if you decide to test my CSS, make sure you set it to CSS version 3). See those flags up there? I made those myself using Open Sword's Pixen, pixel by pixel (I also did the embossing in Photoshop).

Wondering why those flags are there? Okay, maybe not. But you can view this site in two different languages: English and French. Whenever I add something to the site in English, I also add it to the French section. What's better than a bilingual site? Well, I suppose having people read both languages. But that's okay.

This particular layout came to me when I was watching the Simpsons, my favorite show. I see three episodes every weeknight because that's how often it's on. I've practically memorized the words to many of the episodes (okay, the episode has to be playing for me to remember them, but that's not bad, right?).

I do a some video work, as you can see from the video section. I've used iMovie various times, and am currently learning to use Final Cut Pro by immersion, editing one of my movies. I also take photos, though not very often as it's difficult to take my camera around. The one I use is Sony's DSC-V1 camera, which is basically a combination point-and-shoot DSLR. What I mean is that it behaves like a point-and-shoot when taking photos, but allows for the user to set different modes (shutter priority, aperture priority, etc.) like a DSLR. I used to prefer the shutter priority, but now I've gotten used to using manual. The only problem is that there is only one dial that I have to use for adjusting both shutter and aperture.

As you can see, I've also dabbled in widget creation and design. Looking at a few tutorials, the package contents of some widgets, and my previous knowledge of HTML and CSS, I managed to create a simple image widget for a friend of mine. I've been trying to create a widget that pulls images from a URL, but I've put that on hold for a little while.


I decided I would add a little image of my computer setup using some icons that I've come accross. Here it is: 15" Cinema Display, 17" Powerbook G4, 12" Powerbook G4.

I suppose that's enough for now. Have fun with the site!