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Powerbook Top Case Replacement

Sat 5 May, 2007

This is a time-lapse movie I made using Gawker and Apple's Final Cut Pro. I wanted to chronicle the replacement of my beloved 17" Powerbook's Top Case. The problem with it was that some time in early January, I began having to push harder than usual on my trackpad button in order to get it working. A few days later, it stopped working entirely. So, after determining it was a hardware issue and not a software issue, I finally got around to purchasing a used top case replacement, and replaced it myself in mid-March. This is the story of that replacement. Since this was my first time replacing a part in one of my computers, you'll notice in the video that I had to go back and redo several things. All the same, it was a nice experience, and you'll be happy to know that it's working fine now. (Click image to view) - 6.9 Mb

Replacement movie

Bank Wheels

Tue 3 Apr, 2007

A video I captured on my Palm pilot of a car with its wheels not banked. Its brakes are most likely in great shape, but that doesn't change the fact that there was a sign about banking wheels right in front of it. (Click image to view) - 2.8 Mb

Bank Wheels

Bridge Project

A time-lapse video of me building a model bridge for physics. (Click image to view) - 29 Mb

Bridge Movie

Word Up

An infomercial-style movie offering a special video for parents to teach them how to speak in the slang that many teenagers use. (Click image to view) - 14 Mb

Word Up