
Here is a collection of the websites that I've created. Many of them are hosted on free hosting sites, and were created using the program Rapidweaver (some were made in about 15 minutes, including the creation of domains and email addresses). The blogs were created using Wordpress. The rest, I designed myself, and created using Macromedia's Dreamweaver. Here's the list of most of them:

BowlerDerby (
     The current design of this site
BowlerDerby old (
     The previous design of this site
the Fedora (
     The main page of the Fedora. A hub for Galleries, a Forum, and school-related things.
BowlerDerby Blog (
     The blog page for this site
Transformation in Turkey (Link 1, Link 2)
     A Flash-based website outlining some of the major aspects of Turkey's transformation in the early 20th century
Renegade Youth Media (
     A website for an organization dedicated to youth film projects
The Team Chanowitz Podcast (
     A podcast site featuring songs from the Team Chanowitz group
The Bob Hill Band (
     The homepage of the Bob Hill Band
minienvelope (
     A Spymac member's homepage

If you are interested in a website, I'd be happy to create one for you. Send me an email at and we can discuss it further.